picture of the front of the school

Digital Learning Day March 10, 2023

The primary  goal for our Digital Learning Day is to provide all students with activities that will enable them to sharpen their skills in technology, while practicing skills relating to standards. Assignments may be accessed using any device connected to the internet; however, if your child does not have access to a device, please contact [email protected] for assistance.  If you experience technical difficulties during instruction, we will have support staff on standby  to assist you. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to email or call your child’s teacher or the school.  

  • Students will receive quality instruction in the format of live and recorded lessons from his/her teacher in all content areas using the district’s academic standards.
  • Students will use the Classlink Student Portal to login to their Google Classroom or Seesaw (K-2 at select elementary schools) course pages, where they will access assignments, resources, and other materials. Accessing Google Classroom information.  For more information on how to access Seesaw, contact your child’s teacher.
  • If your student does not have access to a computer or device (tablet, smartphone, etc.),  please contact  [email protected] to arrange for a one-day check-out. (One device per student in the home is recommended.)
  • Student work should be turned in through Google Classroom/Seesaw prior to returning to school.  If the digital access is not available, the student will have three days from the day of return to complete the assignment(s).
  •  Teachers will share additional information with students about Digital Learning Days, including how they will support student learning during the day.  (For example, some teachers may set up a discussion board while others may use online conference tools or be available via phone.)
  • Tech support will be available during the hours of 8:00-12:00 on the Digital Learning Day.  Call 706-855-6900 for more information.